Sunday, November 3, 2013

19 Weeks Post FHO Surgery: Treadmill

I am pretty sure I've mentioned this here, but just in case I haven't, I have been staying at my late grandmother's house since June to keep it occupied while it is up for sale. The house is literally two blocks from work, and isn't that far from my folks, about 3-5 miles give or take. That being said, I haven't run the dogs on the treadmill very much, even though my parents aren't too far away - it is very out of the way to go to their house.

Last night I house-sat for a friend just overnight so I left the dogs at my folks. My dad said he had to split Seppel and the cat up three times. He thinks they were just playing and that the cat started it - but just the same that says to me that he has some cabin fever.

I did some flirt pole with him today and then decided to put him on the treadmill, Seth too. I took some video and I am very excited to share the footage. He can now trot like normal, and can also run on the treadmill and will use his leg! So when I say I think he's about up to 95% in using it, I think it's true!

Well, blogger is being a poop - here is Seppel on the treadmill on July 19th, a month after surgery:

He isn't using the leg much like he is now.

Here is a video of Seppel today:

It makes me absolutely ecstatic to see him using it and see him feeling comfortable and confident enough to trot! Even though his muscle mass isn't measuring huge, he is making progress!!!!

For kicks here is Seth:

I'm hoping to move the treadmill to my grandma's soon so they can get back into the routine of using it regularly - it really is wonderful exercise especially in the crappy weather!


  1. Glad to hear your doggie is doing well!
    It was so nice seeing blogs about other cats &dogs with FHO surgery, so I started my own blog about my cat Mo's FHO.

    He is doing sooo well about 3 months post-op and I would recommend this surgery to absolutely everyone!

    To read about our journey post femoral head ostectomy, go to!

    1. I'll check out your blog :) I'm also glad you are blogging about your kitty, when I was looking for FHO resources a lot of people quit updating after a couple of months. I really wanted to know what the end results [a year out] would be - so that is why I've been blogging about our experience.

      For dogs it's a bit different because weight can be an issue depending on the dog - but I agree I would recommend this surgery also, especially because it is much cheaper than a total hip replacement - but so far we are having good results.

