Friday, February 6, 2015

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by my friend Lauren and fellow blogger over at ZoePhee!

In accepting this award I have agreed to answer 11 questions that Lauren has come up with, as well as tell you 11 random facts about me!

1.) Why did you start blogging?
I started this blog because I got my very first Pit Bull and I wanted to share my experience having one. At the time that I started this blog I felt like I had a lot of dog knowledge but that even though I thought I was prepared for this type of a dog I really wasn't. I just wanted to help anyone out that may be in the same situation that I was in.

2.) If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
That's a really good question! I haven't been out of the US at all, if I could choose a vacation anywhere I think I would like to go to Germany or Ireland. I'd really like to go to Egypt and see the pyramids too!

3.) What is your favorite breed of dog and why do you like that breed?
I actually have a few favorites, but the breed I feel I will always own will be the American Pit Bull Terrier. I love their tenacity and zest for life. They are always happy and always game to do fun things.

4.) Who is your favorite dog trainer(s)?
I don't really follow very many trainers by way of the internet. I really like the folks I train with at Pet Village. I also have had an opportunity to work with Shade Whitesel she is a positive trainer who has competed at the national level in IPO. She is one of the only trainers I know of that uses positive methods that has gone super far in competition that isn't simply doing agility or fly ball. I have tremendous amounts of respect for her. I wish I lived closer because I would love to take lessons in IPO training from her.

5.) What is your favorite dog product?
Hmmm that's an interesting question. I really like this bed . I bought two of them from Bi-Mart. They are made out of egg crate foam. You can remove the foam mattress portion as well as the stuffing that is around it so they are super easy to wash. They are also easy to vacuum. The beds are big enough for two of my dogs to share and I feel like they are well worth the $53 price.

6.) Do you have any hobbies?
I really like dog training and I really like animal photography. I also like to ride horses when I have the opportunity to do so.

7.) What is your favorite exotic animal?
Elephants. I wish I could work at an elephant orphanage, I think they are amazing and intelligent creatures.

8.) How do you come up with ideas for your blog?
When I first started I mostly shared experiences with Seppel. I have made a few posts about dog care, feeding, nail trimming, etc. Then for a while a lot of my blog was about Seppel's hip surgery and his rehab, and then his recovery. Fast forward to now - I sometimes struggle with content. I don't always know what to write or rant about. I'm not sure what direction my blog will go in next.

9.) Do your dogs have any favorite foods or toys?
I'm extremely fortunate that my dogs are not picky when it comes to food. It's hard to say if they have a favorite because they will eat anything! I think Seppel's favorite toy is either the chuck-it ball or a tug toy. LiLo and Seth also have major love for the chuck-it. Playing ball is about all Seth will do.

10.)What is your most favorite activity to do with your dog?
With Seppel I love doing protection/bitework with him.
With LiLo I love being able to take her places and have her be off leash running around, she enjoys it and I can rest easy because she is reliable.
With Seth I love being able to take him into pet stores or public places because he generally gets along with anyone and any thing.

11.) If you could go anywhere(including time travel) and do anything, where would you go and what would you do?
I would love to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt - the Egyptians and Egyptology has always interested me.


Random Facts:

1.) I got Seppel from an internet friend who passed away. He flew from NC to OR. When I decided to take him I did not know what I was going to do with him, other than let him live out his life.

2.) I have broken my nose and my wrist.

3.) I had open heart surgery in 2000 to repair an atrial septal defect. [A hole].

4.) Seth had a healing fractured elbow when I got him. The rescue he was with wanted to amputate his leg.

5.) I have worked in the same veterinary clinic for 12 years.

6.) I did not take obedience classes, nor did I take rally classes before I entered Seth in a rally match. I have only taken one formal obedience class and I took it with Seppel two summers ago.

7.) I train my dogs using treats/toys/rewards/motivation, but I will use aversives where necessary.

8.) I have five tattoos and counting. Four of them are inspired by pets that I have. I also have my ears pierced and my nose pierced twice.

9.) Seth is the first dog I have ever put a title on.

10.) I clicker trained my horse to pick up a hat off of the ground.

11.) I taught all three of my dogs to run on an electric treadmill, and then transitioned them to a dog powered slatmill.

Blog Nominees:

So Fly
Danes Can Q
Exercise Finished

Here are my questions for you:

1.) Why did you start blogging?
2.) What is your favorite dog sport?
3.) What are your pet peeves about people and their animals?
4.) What is your favorite breed(s) of dog?
5.) What do you feed your dog and why do you feed that?
6.) Where is your favorite place to go with your dog?
7.) What is your favorite season and why?
8.) Do you have any goals for your blog in 2015?
9.) What is something that you enjoy doing?
10.) What is the farthest you have traveled from home?
11.) What would your dream vacation be?

Should you accept this award, here are the rules:
1. Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog where you were nominated.
2. Copy and paste the Liebster logo onto your own blog.
3. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
4. Answer the 11 questions put to you by the person who nominated you.
5. List 11 random facts about yourself.
6. Nominate and link to 3—11 other blogs you enjoy that have less than 3000 followers.
7. List 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog.
8. Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.


1 comment:

  1. Those are awesome answers! I didn't know you had open heart surgery!! That dog bed looks awesome. I've been wanting to do a one of Shade's Fenzi classes but I haven't been able to yet. I think going to ancient Egypt would be totally cool. I've also always admired your tattoos. I think they are really neat! :D
