Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

52 Weeks/ 1 year after FHO Sx.

That's right! Today marks Seppel's year anniversary after FHO sx!

What a long year it has been. I never thought, at the time last year, that Sepp would be back to 100%. Choosing this surgery was a huge decision and I was  not sure at the time I was making the right one. I had faith in my dog, but you just never know. I kept my expectations low - as long as he was pain free I would be happy. He has gone above and beyond my expectations!

I have compiled a video showing a bit of the process, the end has IPO bite work from this past Monday. It's crazy to see how non-weight baring he was initially to now. He's like a totally different dog.

Thanks for those who followed us along the way. I hope this video helps other people on their decision of whether or not to pursue this type of surgery. When I was on our journey I couldn't find video past 10mos. I think it has been in the last 4mos or so that he made the most improvement. I hardly notice a difference these days.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Slat Mill & Retrieve Progress

Well, we've upgraded from our e-mill to a slat mill!

Since I've had Seppel I really wanted a carpet mill but never had the cash to buy one. With prompting from friends I finally got the dogs to run on the e-mill [electric treadmill]. I was satisfied with the e-mill and never really gave it a 2nd thought, until a couple of weeks ago when a Slat Mill nearby [2.5hrs away] was put up for sale.

Normally slat mills run about $1500 brand new. I got this one for a super steal. It is well used and older - but it won't be hard to upgrade the slats and everything else is in great working condition.

A slat mill is used primarily for building wind/stamina/endurance. It is free spinning and doesn't have any resistance. I have read online you can find slat mills with brakes to add some resistance but this one does not have that.

Just to share more info, a carpet mill comparatively is used to build muscle. It has a lot more drag and takes more effort for the dog to spin it.

The HSUS and other animal type agencies have tried to vilify mills and claim them as dog fighting paraphernalia. The truth is that putting ANY dog on a mill is GREAT exercise for them. I've particularly found it awesome in the winter months when we are getting buckets and buckets of rain and it is too wet to go outside. It is a great option for anyone with a high energy dog looking to keep them fit and sane.

Here is Seppel using the slat mill:

Also here is updated video of Seppel doing the retrieve. We have a sit! I don't have the jump up to the standard height, he's been dodging the jump on the return, so I took the pole off to make it lower and he did fine. This week sometime my dad is going to add another board to make the jump taller. If he hits it, it won't fall, and will hopefully encourage him to jump higher/think about it more. I'm just so excited that the retrieve is coming together, next we will be focusing on the sendaway.